Character Spotlight I : Paris

Name : Paris Dupont
Age : 26
Hometown : Calypso Bay (Potager)
A gunsmith and expert markswoman, she was recognized quickly among the ranks of the Mechanist faction. After rising quickly through the ranks, she made captain even before the war began. There is nothing that the faction heads will not trust her with, and many tasks are hers exclusively.
Despite her skills, however, Paris is not of noble birth, hailing instead from the slums of Argyves, and as such is often unable to rise in station or pursue many diplomatic efforts. For this reason, she is all the more suited to work in the shop or in the field.
Paris will appear in a number of ways depending on your choices. She will make either a great ally or bitter rival.

22 Commentaires:
Awesome ! I'm fond of these androgynous, they've got lot of charisma.
Anonyme, at 2/1/08 17:46
It sucks to leave comments on your own blog :P
Fil Razorback, at 2/1/08 21:26
Cool, when is this game coming out, and why the sudden change to english (I like it!)
Anonyme, at 3/1/08 04:06
The language depends on the writer.
Tbop (musician) and I are french whereas Adarias (artist) is american.
However, I often do translate my entries (scroll down).
The release date is still to be announced because we just do not know how long it will take us.
Fil Razorback, at 3/1/08 17:01
but we are hoping for some time in 2010, so be sure to stop by in 2-3 years!
Nathan Christie, at 6/1/08 20:40
Lol, ok I will...can I see a preview of it or something like a demo, cuz I kinda wanna just see how it is now, I really like tactics games so yea this is gonna be cool. Also is the game gonna gost money? And if so, how much?
Anonyme, at 12/1/08 06:02
Demos will actually be among the last things to be released, as we need to put all of the other systems (movement, map display, player input, LoS, gravity, character stats, etc) in before we do the battling, which will be comparatively easy from a production view. Sever of these systems are well ready and in place, but it will still be some time before you get to play a fight.
Also I'm not making any promises (as this is really Fil's area), but you may well see some movement and cutscene tests fairly soon, as the animations and coding come together on that.
As far as the price, we have always gone with the idea that the game will be free to play, but we have discussed the possibility of an "extended game" available to paying players, which would include deeper quests and side-stories. This is not likely something we will charge for though and if we do it will be a low, one-time fee.
Nathan Christie, at 13/1/08 04:03
Cool, you guys have no idea how much I'm stalking this game...I dunno but theres something about it that makes it seem really cool, and to have a lot of potential. Also I was sorta also wondering if I could be like a BETA tester, you know help get the kinks outta the game...and stuff? You guyz prolly don't need one but I'm dying to get a sneak peak at this game.
inarma-blog, at 17/1/08 05:30
actually, when we get to betas we will need plenty of testers, so we'll be sure to keep you in mind when we come asking :D
Nathan Christie, at 17/1/08 21:59
You thought I would never comment your blog! YOu were waiting for it won't ya?
Anyway, I have to say that Adarias is some amazing spriter and drawer, I hope that one day I will have his level even if I don't want the same style as his.
Anyway, you are indeed a young team but you are awesome. I must admit it's the best game I saw on the web for a long long time and I've been spying this blog everytime I could.
I must also say that Tbop is some awesome musician, I love the music he made. Even Final Fantasy's or games that are known for they great musics don't have this kind of incredible tunes.
And at last Fil Razorback (I thought he was kinda 30 years old but he is younger tan me T-T), I think you are doing some amazing job as a game director and at everything you are doing with those two friends you got.
Anyway, great job and good luck :D
Anonyme, at 20/1/08 13:41
Kon said :
"Even Final Fantasy's or games that are known for they great musics don't have this kind of incredible tunes."
Wow ! Dud I love you !
Anonyme, at 21/1/08 21:31
Well, I'm still shocked.
Thanx so much for your comment.
I'll continue my work on this game just for you ! XD
Anonyme, at 21/1/08 21:43
Pleasure, I really like what you do in all the ways :3
Your team is just great ^^
Continue like this and I'll buy the game :D
Anonyme, at 7/2/08 21:30
Hey ! Juste un petit commentaire (in french...) pour vous soutenir, voilà bien 7 ou 8 mois que j'avais perdu de vue votre projet, mais je vois que ça avance pas mal !! En tout cas bravo et bonne continuation !
Etienne, at 10/2/08 10:33
I love her wonderful hair. the long rifle fits perfectly to her skinny appearence. nice work
Anonyme, at 26/9/08 12:52
I share a love/hate relationship with virtual memory because of how prices are always,and I domean always dropping. I hate buying SD Cards for my R4 / R4i at (seemingly) a bargain price only to see it become a whole lot more cheaper a couple of weeks later.
(Posted from SPPost for R4i Nintendo DS.)
Anonyme, at 8/2/10 07:20
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انجين محمد, at 8/4/18 10:17
Good write-up. I definitely love this site. Keep it up
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